Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Phil Welch Stadium Relies Heavily Upon Turface® MVP® and QuickDry®

Mike Hebrard, owner of Athletic Field Design in Portland, Oregon is also the proud father of Andy Hebrard, third-basemen of the Missouri Western Griffons. While en route to his son’s opening game in St. Joseph, Missouri in late February 2009, the elder Hebrard was not expecting a call from his son’s coach, Buzz Verduzco, about an emergency clean-up project in the outfield of the Griffon's home field, Phil Welch Stadium.

In an attempt to place a new fence along the outfield line, the St. Joseph city contractors had drilled 90 holes into the ground. The depth of the field was miscalculated, resulting in 60 punctured holes in the irrigation pipes beneath the surface of the field. To make matters worse, while assessing the damage of the situation, the electrical contractor drove his tractor onto the outfield and ended up getting it wedged in the muddy, wet mire.

Hebrard embarked on getting the field up and running quickly with Turface® MVP® and Turface QuickDry®, products used both in skinned infield maintenance and in the construction and renovation of natural grass. Additionally, all of Turface products act as puddle absorbents, helping to manage excess moisture levels, while preventing fields from cracking or hardening.

For two days, Hebrard, Verduzco, and Griffon baseball players dug several ditches to allow the standing water to drain under the new fence. Once the surface was smooth, they spread, dragged, and rolled 2 tons of MVP and 1 ton of QuickDry to manage the remaining moisture and get the outfield dry and firm enough for play.

Thankful to Hebrard’s direction and Turface’s efficacy, the Missouri Western Griffons were able to resume their season the next day. Relieved after the clean-up was finalized, Hebrard said, “This was a total team effort on our front to get the field fixed. But the Turface products had a lot to do with the ability to get the Griffon season going.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Profile Celebrates Success of United States Army Corps of Engineers Levee Revegetation and Erosion Control Workshop

"We hit a home run today,” said Profile’s Vice President of Erosion Control Solutions, Marc S. Theisen, commenting on the impressive turnout at the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Levee Revegetation and Erosion Control Workshop beside Lake Pontchartrain, LA.

On May 20, 2009, Profile Products gathered a group of 75 spectators to demonstrate tests plots of sprayed hydraulic mulches and turf reinforcement mats. Profile teamed up with the USACE, who promoted the event. They organized the attendance of local levee personnel, parish public works departments, contractors, and writers from Engineer News Record Magazine.

The test plot consisted of several categories of Hydraulically-Applied Erosion Control Products (HECPs) with Flexterra®, shot into Profile’s Enkamat® 7020 and Enkamat® R30. Three hydroseeders operated the demonstration while audience members were allowed to touch the plots for stability. Dr. Beasley from Louisiana State University, Doug Deem, a Marketing Development Manager for Profile, Marc Theisen, and a representative from the USACE all spoke after the demos, providing input on the products and their capabilities.

Proud of the event, Deem said, “It began raining after the initial application of HECP. Flexterra held up extremely well. We got a lot of positive feedback about our product, which was great.”

The encouraging reviews from the attendees signify a victory for Profile Products. After seeking assistance with their erosion control and revegetation challenges, audience members left the demonstration with a better understanding of Profile’s hydraulic mulches’ capabilities and new armoring techniques.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Turface® QuickDry® Demonstration

Take a look at this Turface® QuickDry® demonstration. Quick Dry, meant for baseball infields, will not become slippery or leave a field rock-hard upon drying. As shown in this video, an easy application of QuickDry to wet areas or puddles absorbs moisture, allowing the baseball game to pick up quickly after a heavy rain.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Topdressing with McLean County PONY Baseball

McLean County PONY Baseball, a loyal Turface customer, is gearing up for its annual In-House regular season tournament. Kicking off July 18th, 675 kids, ages 9-14, will participate in the two-week event spread across the impressive six field complex in Bloomington, Illinois.

Andy Ommen, head groundskeeper and director at the complex, is thankful for Profile’s Turface MVP®, a soil conditioner and topdressing, for its dependable water management. Ommen says, “This past year, we bought a very large, very heavy roller to roll our infield dirt. We have Turface MVP mixed in about 4” deep, compacted tightly. On the surface, we have approximately 1/4” or so of the loose Turface MVP. Over the last few years, the quality of our fields has vastly improved.”

Ommen doesn’t just stop with Turface MVP. McLean County PONY Baseball Complex is also home to the local community college team, The Heartland Hawks, nationally ranked this past season. As a result, Ommen has turned to Profile® Greens Grade™, a nutrient-holding, inorganic soil amendment, specifically designed for natural grass maintenance. “We have grass base paths on our other fields, so during the spring we constantly aerate and topdress with the Greens Grade as well.”

With the abundance of activity on the field, Ommen has no complaints about the performance of Profile’s soil conditioners-- used everywhere from Parks and Recreation fields all the way to major leagues. Due to Ommen’s hard work and our top notch product, the fields will continue to thrive throughout the tournament, and long after.

Shown above is one of the
Six fields at
McLean County PONY
Baseball Complex.